Find answers to common questions about our beliefs, positions, and more.

What are the core beliefs of Menlo?

You can learn more about our beliefs here. In addition to these fundamental truths, we are also a part of a group of churches that share theological convictions and ministry priorities. Learn more here.

What kinds of people are a part of this church?

Menlo Church is in the heart of Silicon Valley with a diverse group of people who help create the future every day. As a church, we have always placed a high value on the ‘faith of the mind’. Our church is comprised of people who appreciate nuanced and thoughtful conversations about faith and life. Demographics depend on the campus and the community it serves. We encourage you to attend your local campus to discover more for yourself.

I'm skeptical about Christianity, but am I still welcome?

Of course! One of the most compelling things about the life and ministry of Jesus is that people who were nothing like Him, liked Him, and wanted to spend time with Him. We are a community of people from saints to skeptics and prodigals who try to make space for others on the journey, no matter where they are.

Who leads the church?

Ultimately, we submit to the authority of God and the ways we are called to lead our church from the Bible. Practically, we have a group of volunteer leaders, elected by the members of the congregation, called our Session, that provides oversight to the church and accountability to our Lead Pastor, Phil EuBank.

Is there a dress code?

Most people come in whatever is comfortable for them, and a few people feel more comfortable in formal clothes; you are welcome as you are.

How are finances handled?

Menlo Church is not a program or building; it’s people, and those people support the ministries of Menlo through their ongoing financial generosity. As part of the ECFA (Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability), we are committed to financial management with integrity through ongoing volunteer board oversight, annual church budget gatherings, and an annual external audit of our finances.

What does Menlo believe about justice?

We embrace a view of justice that resonates deeply with the Reformed tradition, recognizing that justice is not merely a human endeavor but a commandment from God, reflecting His character. According to this perspective, justice involves righting wrongs and is profoundly relational, seeking the welfare of the community by defending the vulnerable and addressing not only the symptoms of injustice but its underlying causes. As believers, we are called to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God, demonstrating His grace and truth in every action.

What does Menlo believe about the Bible?

We believe the Bible in the highest regard, viewing it as the ultimate authority in all matters of faith and life, as is consistent with Reformed theology. We believe the Scriptures are God-breathed, infallible, and sufficient, revealing the character of God and His redemptive plan for humanity. In embracing this view, the church commits to the diligent study and preaching of the Word, trusting that it is not only true but also powerful in transforming lives.

What does Menlo believe about marriage?

We uphold marriage as a sacred covenant, reflective of the Reformed belief in its significance as a divine institution ordained by God. We view marriage as a lifelong union between one man and one woman, designed to mirror the Christ-church relationship, emphasizing sacrificial love, mutual support, and spiritual partnership. Within this framework, the church encourages marriages to be centers of grace and forgiveness, where God's redemptive purpose can be displayed and experienced.

We also understand that this conversation is complicated for many and have dedicated a longer discussion with resources and events for a more thorough conversation. Learn more here.

How are LGBTQ+ people treated at Menlo?

Menlo Church approaches the LGBTQI+ community with a spirit of love and grace, affirming the dignity and worth of every individual as created in the image of God. We emphasize the importance of compassionate dialogue and relational ministry, seeking to engage with all people in a manner that reflects Christ's love and mercy. While holding to traditional views on marriage and sexuality, the church recognizes the historical partiality in this conversation and the theological reality that we are all sexually broken and in need of the grace of God.

We also understand that this conversation is complicated for many and have dedicated a longer discussion with resources and events for a more thorough conversation. Learn more here.

Do you care about the environment?

We view environmental stewardship as a crucial aspect of Christian duty, deeply rooted in the Reformed tradition that recognizes the Earth as God’s creation, entrusted to humanity's care. We believe that caring for the environment is a reflection of our love for the Creator, and an expression of justice towards the generations that follow. As such, the church encourages sustainable practices and responsible use of resources, aiming to honor God through the preservation and restoration of His creation.

How do I become a member?

At Menlo Church, Covenant Partnership is a shared commitment to the calling of God on our church to see people come to know and follow Jesus. This significant and important milestone is celebrated at a Partnership Retreat that takes place annually.

What does Menlo believe about Jesus?

Menlo Church holds Jesus Christ at the center of its faith, as both fully divine and fully human. We proclaim Him as the Savior of the world, whose life, death, and resurrection secure redemption for all who believe. This church teaches that through Jesus, God’s kingdom is revealed on earth, inviting us into a transformed life of service and obedience.

Can I have my wedding at Menlo Church?

We are delighted you are considering having your wedding ceremony at Menlo Church. You do not need to be a member our of church family to be married in our Sanctuary. Contact weddings@menlo.church for our wedding brochure and more information.