Series Resources

sermon-based study guide

This guide is designed to guide a group discussion around the weekend sermon. You can also use this as an individual, but we highly recommend finding a friend and inviting them to discuss with you. Menlo Church has Life Groups meeting in-person and online using these guides. We’d love to help you find a group.
What you will find in this guide: A discussion guide for groups and individuals. If you are using this as an individual be sure to engage with each question in a journal or simply in your mind as you prayerfully consider what you heard in the sermon and seek to discover what God is inviting you to know and do.

Hope Is Born | Hope For The Magi

Series: Hope Is Born
Title: Hope For the Magi - The Seekers of Truth
Date: Dec 22, 2024


Reflect on a time when you collaborated with someone unexpected, and it ended up being a positive experience.

What’s one gift you’ve received that felt deeply meaningful to you, and why?


Read Matthew 2:1–12

What stands out to you about the Magi’s journey? How does their story challenge your perspective on seeking Jesus?

Herod’s response to the news of Jesus’ birth was one of fear and hostility. How do you see similar responses to Jesus’ kingship in today’s world?

Why do you think the Magi, as outsiders to the Jewish faith, were so willing to risk everything to worship Jesus?


What "lesser kings" might you need to let go of this Christmas season to fully focus on worshipping Jesus?

The Magi brought their best gifts to honor Jesus, fully aware of the cost and significance of their journey. What would it look like for you to consider the cost of offering your time, talents, or resources to honor Jesus and invest in something greater than yourself?

Think of someone who doesn’t know Jesus. How can you invite them to experience the hope and joy of Christmas this year?


Thank God for His faithfulness in keeping every promise, especially through sending Jesus.

Ask God to help us fully surrender our hearts to worship Him above everything else this season.

Pray for the courage to set aside distractions and share the hope and love of Jesus with those around us.


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Join us at Menlo Church this Christmas Eve for a special celebration of hope, joy, and community—bring a friend and make this season unforgettable together!