Series Resources
sermon-based study guide
Start Up Faith: Design
Series: Start Up Fatih
Title: Design
Date: 1/12/2025
Do you have a New Year’s resolution you’ve kept so far? What made it stick—or fail?
What’s one small daily habit (spiritual or otherwise) that has made a big difference in your life?
Read: Acts 2:1–4; Acts 2:42–47
What stands out to you in the description of the early church's rhythms in Acts 2?
What routines do you see the early church practicing in Acts 2:42-47? How do these routines inspire you?
Peter went from denying Jesus to preaching a sermon that led 3,000 people to faith in one day. How did his consistent time with Jesus prepare him for this moment?
What’s one simple habit you can incorporate into your daily life to grow closer to God? (e.g., Bible reading, prayer, or journaling).
How can you commit to engaging with your community each week? (e.g., volunteering, mentoring, or being intentional with neighbors).
Acts 2:45 describes the early church selling their possessions to meet others' needs. What’s one way you could be more generous with your time, resources, or talents to serve those around you?
Thank God for His faithfulness in transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary.
Pray for wisdom to develop rhythms that honor Him and for courage to trust Him with the results, no matter how small the steps may seem.
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