Series Resources

sermon-based study guide

This guide is designed to guide a group discussion around the weekend sermon. You can also use this as an individual, but we highly recommend finding a friend and inviting them to discuss with you. Menlo Church has Life Groups meeting in-person and online using these guides. We’d love to help you find a group.
What you will find in this guide: A discussion guide for groups and individuals. If you are using this as an individual be sure to engage with each question in a journal or simply in your mind as you prayerfully consider what you heard in the sermon and seek to discover what God is inviting you to know and do.

Study Guide: Longing for Wonder


  • When have you felt a sense of wonder or awe in your life?


Read Habakkuk 1:2-4

  • What emotions and questions are being expressed by Habakkuk in these verses?
  • How do you relate to Habakkuk's struggles in questioning God?
  • Reflect on Habakkuk 1:12-13. How does Habakkuk challenge God in these verses?
  • Why do you think Habakkuk chooses to engage with God in this way instead of distancing himself?


  • Habakkuk engages in authentic, honest dialogue with God, expressing his anger and confusion. How comfortable are you with expressing your doubts and struggles to God? What can hinder or facilitate open communication with God?
  • Paul quotes from Habakkuk in Acts 13:38-39. How does the message of Jesus connect with the themes of justice and salvation presented in Habakkuk? How does Jesus' life and death address the questions and struggles raised by Habakkuk?
  • Reflect on 1 Peter 3:18 and its connection to the suffering of Christ. How does Jesus' suffering bring us closer to God, and how can we find hope and strength in this truth?
  • In your own faith journey, how have moments of wrestling with God and holding onto Him deepened your understanding and experience of His love and goodness? Share examples from your life where God's work became evident in unexpected ways.
  • How can we intentionally cultivate a sense of wonder in our daily lives??


Share any prayer requests as a group and close your time in prayer.

Going Deeper

Menlo Midweek Podcast:

Tune in every Wednesday for a conversation with the previous week’s speaker. It’s a deeper dive into the message and an engaging time to learn, reflect, grow—and have fun.