The Certainty of Future Glory

In this sermon on Romans 8:18-25, we’ll explore the profound hope that sustains us through present sufferings. Paul assures us that our current struggles pale in comparison to the glory that will be revealed in us. We’ll delve into the imagery of creation itself groaning in anticipation, mirroring our own longing for redemption and the fulfillment of God’s promises. This passage encourages us to wait patiently and eagerly for the redemption of our bodies and the full realization of our adoption as God’s children. By focusing on this future glory, we can inspire our congregation to hold onto hope, find purpose in their suffering, and live with the confident expectation that God’s promises will be fulfilled. Let’s create a service that beautifully captures this tension between present hardship and future glory, reminding everyone of the hope that anchors our faith.

Sermon Series
Phil EuBank
Lead Pastor