Series Resources

sermon-based study guide

This guide is designed to guide a group discussion around the weekend sermon. You can also use this as an individual, but we highly recommend finding a friend and inviting them to discuss with you. Menlo Church has Life Groups meeting in-person and online using these guides. We’d love to help you find a group.
What you will find in this guide: A discussion guide for groups and individuals. If you are using this as an individual be sure to engage with each question in a journal or simply in your mind as you prayerfully consider what you heard in the sermon and seek to discover what God is inviting you to know and do.

Study Guide: Can I Know God Personally?


  • What have you learned about your faith in the Explore God series?


Read Romans 3:9-24

  • What does Paul want us to understand about the law?
  • What does the passage teach us about the ‘grace of Jesus’?
  • What does Paul want us to understand about Jesus in this passage?


  • How does the concept of justification impact your relationship with God and your understanding of grace?
  • How does the concept of surrendering to God form your life? What are some practical ways in which you can live out this commitment daily?
  • Phil highlights that we are valuable to God even with our imperfections. How does this idea change the way you see yourself or others?
  • A key principle in this message was "Your life is worth what God was willing to pay for it". How does this idea impact your perspective on your own life?


Spend time praying for each other, your towns, and the Bay Area.

Going Deeper

Menlo Midweek Podcast:

Tune in every Wednesday for a conversation with the previous week’s speaker. It’s a deeper dive into the message and an engaging time to learn, reflect, grow—and have fun.