Week 5


In almost every area of life, we learn that we have to earn what we want – tit for tat, quid pro quo, you scratch my back, and I’ll scratch yours. This is the way of the world. When it comes to a relationship with God, we tend to approach it in the same manner. For those who know Jesus, we can spend a lot of time trying to prove that we are worthy and striving to measure up. For those who are spiritually curious, they often feel that if there is a God who knows everything about them, there would be no way to measure up to a heavenly standard. In this message, we will learn that God knows everything about us and still loves us. Not only can we have a living and dynamic relationship with the One who made us, but we don't have to perform or jump through a complex series of spiritual hoops. Jesus opened the door for us to have a relationship with God through his perfect life, sacrificial death on the cross, and resurrection from the grave. A true and lasting relationship with God is based on knowing and following Jesus, God’s only Son.

Sermon Series
Phil EuBank
Lead Pastor